is a platform to generate, validate, and execute online raffles and bingo games oriented but not exclusive to non-for-profit organizations, athletic clubs, and other types of charities.
This site is under development


Charity / NGO



“A true generous heart can never revolve majorly with monetary skills nor business acumen nor cunning mind.”
—Angelica Hopes

Nonprofit Organizations

This group encompass organizations exempt under section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code in the United States. If your organization is elsewhere other than the US, this group encompass charities of all types, as well as other groupings such as athletic clubs and many others, as allowed by your local jurisdiction laws. In any of those cases this is the right type of account for you.

For those in the United States, make sure you have the pertinent permissions to run a fundrising event. This article is a good start to know the basics for a charity raffle rules. An except of it reads: "Most states have anti-gambling provisions, but some make exceptions for charitable raffles. That said, the raffle must follow strict rules to qualify. Your charity might need a permit or a dedicated bank account for game proceeds."

Business Owners

This is the right account for those local Business Owners whose goal is to engage, increase their customer base through Sweepstakes Marketing Campaigns.

Sweepstakes are prize giveaways in which the winners are chosen by random processes. Prizes can range from stickers and t-shirts to anything else which attracts your customers.

While we do have experienced in-house Marketing and Social Media specialists, as well as a Law Firm on retainer, it will not go to waste for you to learn, study how this type of Marketing can help your business. This article should be an excellent start for you to read and understand the 1-2-3's of Sweepstakes Marketing Campaigns.

Agency / Agent

This is a special type of account for individuals, firms, or charity groups located outside of the United States who possess the passion, love, and ability to connect with other people to help local Charities and Business Owners through successful campaigns.
Agents will have the full support from our team to carry out their enterprise in their Country, Region, Province or Department.

Agents must know and comply with local laws regarding charity raffles and giveaway campaigns; as well as be in good standing within their respective jurisdiction. Agents will receive appropriate monetary compensation.

  • "Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world."
    —Desmond Tutu
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